Of all the anthropological elements that exist, the home is one of the most unfathomable. It is where we project our childhood terrors and the vertigo of existence, the eagle eye of all that is forbidden, a place where radical imagination never rests. But it is also the backdrop for family and gender roles, the class struggle, desertions – moral, social, spiritual and others – and precariousness. The home is need and mystery, a centre that is sometimes hell on earth, sometimes our salvation. Our confinement to our homes in the post-COVID world has revived the questions surrounding this centre and how the domestic interior relates to an outside world that has become an abstract and virtual “far beyond”. This “source code” is a constellation of audiovisual moments together weaving the idea of a “possible home” with all its flash hazards in a post-COVID world.
What is audiovisual source code?
Audiovisual Source Code is a hybrid format between an audiovisual talk and a commented screening. It is a scenic format, a kind of game in which the guest presenter delves into their audiovisual references to share an account of a theme or research.
Ingrid Guardiola Sánchez
Teacher, essayist, audiovisual creator. Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities and associate lecturer at the University of Girona. In 2017 she premiered her first full-length documentary Casa de nadie (Nobody’s Home). She is the co-curator of the experimental documentary space Soy Cámara, a programme at the Barcelona Centre of Contemporary Culture (2010-2020). She co-directed the audiovisual project La dimensión poco conocida: Pioneras del cine (The Little Known Dimension: Cinema’s Women Pioneers), and in 2018 published the essay The Eye and the Knife: an essay on the world as an interface.